
Less than the average gross monthly salary 2,141.00 EUR has 62% employees according to the survey Platy.sk.

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Bratislava regionEmployees distribution into salary ranges

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Bratislava regionJobs with the highest pay

Position Average gross salary(EUR)
Chief Executive Officer - Top Management 7,122
Development Director - Top Management 6,921
Country Manager/Director - Top Management 6,075
Plant manager - Top Management 5,990
IT Director - Top Management 5,115
Managing Director - Top Management 4,966
Economic/Financial Manager - Top Management 4,943
Sales Director - Top Management 4,909
Call Centre Director - Top Management 4,617
Medical Advisor - Pharmaceutical Industry 4,569
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Bratislava regionJobs with the lowest pay

Position Average gross salary(EUR)
Porter, Information Staff - General labour 990
Cleaner - General labour 1,007
School Caretaker - Education, Science & Research 1,033
Au-pair - General labour 1,112
Tailor - Textile, Leather, Apparel Industry 1,118
Kinetotherapist - Medicine & Social Care 1,118
General Labourer - General labour 1,123
Survey Interviewer - General labour 1,160
Seamstress - Textile, Leather, Apparel Industry 1,163
Librarian - Education, Science & Research 1,171
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Bratislava regionMost often provided benefits

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